Friday, September 15, 2006

Popping the Integration Bubble

Picture this, a team is nearing the end of a five-week development effort on a small Data Mart project. A team of just three developers come to a screeching, abrubt halt because, in spite of dazzling specifications, and flawless design documentation, the code just doesn't play well together. At this stage the schedule goes out the window, because the team is engaged in the very unscientific process of wack-a-mole engineering to 'stamp out' the integration errors. The project and team in this example have just become witnesses to (as well as victims of) the Integration Bubble.

The root cause of our example Integration Bubble is the lack of putting the team's artifacts into an environment in which they would interract (dare I say integration server) for five weeks. It would stand to reason the most straightforward method for avoiding the IB is to integrate ALL of the executable artifacts early and often. There are a variety of tools to do this, Data Dude seems to be a promising IDE for the SQL Server database developer. I have also enjoyed success with putting Continuous Integration Processes, together by using Cruise Control .Net, Subversion and NAnt.

The key point here is the longer code for any project is unintegrated, the more unpredictable the integration process is going to be. To twist the Ben Franklin quote, "Don't intregrate tomorrow the defects you could solve today."

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